Research Database

IIBW (2024):
(Wien: IIBW, im Auftrag des Fachverbandes Steine-Keramik und der GBV Landesgruppe Tirol).
This booklet gives an overview of housing subsidies in Austria.
Amann (2024):
(im Auftrag des Landes Vorarlberg).
Preßmair, G., Amann, W., Stipsits, A., Schoisengeier, S., Wenig, F. (2024):
Presented at 3rd International Sustainable Energy Conference ISEC 2024.
Thermally activated building structures (TABS) operated with heat pumps is becoming widely used in building construction. Among many other advantages, the inertia of this heating system can be used to stabilize electric power grids. In this paper, the outcomes of a IIBW study from 2023 is described.
EMI Epitesugyi Minosegellenorzo Innovacios (HU, coordinator), Solar Tech-Investment (HU), Zavod Za Gradbenistvo (SI), Gospodarska Zbornica (SI), RenoWave.AT, IIBW (2023-2025):
European Commission, funding by the Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)
The aim of the EU-LIFE project “RENOINVEST – Roundtables enhancing smart investments in sustainable renovation of buildings” is to bring together all relevant stakeholders from the financial sector, the real estate and construction industry and politics in working groups and, above all, national roundtables to discuss urgently needed financing solutions for the climate-neutral renovation of our building stock and to jointly find feasible solutions by 2030.
Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH (Projektleitung), in Kooperation mit dem IIBW (2021-2025):
(Wien: Stadt der Zukunft, 8. Ausschreibung).
ZQ3Demo accompanies three innovative urban quarters in Vienna to demonstrate and further develop ecologically and economically sustainable solutions for the implementation of Plus-Energy-Quarters (PEQ) on the basis of real-life examples.
IIBW (2024):
The short study presents the Austrian housing policy model with its core elements of limited-profit housing (LPHA) and housing subsidies.
Amann, W., Oberhuber, A. Mundt, A. (2023):
(Wien: IIBW, im Auftrag des Landes Wien).
This study is the most comprehensive data collection and analysis available on the Austrian housing subsidy schemes.
Mundt, A., Wagner, K., Angel, S., Amann, W. (2024):
In: The International Journal of Housing Policy.
This contribution to the International Journal of Housing Policy examines the question of why the home ownership rate amongst young households declined in Austria similar to other countries. The focus is on the national level, as well as on a detailed analysis of the situation in Lower Austria and Vorarlberg.
EIB, IOM (2024):
At this international workshop, the legal, financial and institutional framework conditions for the introduction of an affordable housing sector in Ukraine were discussed.
Amann, W. (2024):
In: Housing Finance International, spring 2024 edition.
In the context of the "New European Bauhaus" initiative "Rebuild Ukraine", IIBW has developed a new legislative approach on affordable housing. In this paper, the model law on "Common Good Housing" is presented.
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