Research Database

Arthur Krupp GmbH, IIBW et al. (2022):
(Wien: Arthur Krupp GmbH & IIBW, NÖ Wohnbauforschung F 2266).
Die Austrian Social Landlord „Arthur Krupp“ (Part of Wien-Süd-Group) develops a new typology of housing with highest standards in energy efficiency, local energy generation, thermal activation of structural building parts, longivety, affordability, life cycle orientation and green building.
IIBW (2022):
(Wien: IIBW, im Auftrag des Bundesminiseriums für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort).
The Ministry of Economic Affairs, which is responsible for "Construction", is publishing a second edition of a handbook with key figures on housing and construction.
Amann, W., Struber, Ch. (2022):
(Wien: Lindeverlag).
This handbook contains extensive statistics on housing and housing policy in Austria. It is published since 1995 in the 10th edition.
IIBW (2022):
(Wien: IIBW, im Auftrag des Fachverbandes Steine-Keramik und der GBV Landesgruppe Tirol).
This booklet gives an overview of housing subsidies in Austria.
AEE INTEC, IIBW u.v.m. (2023-25):
(gefördert durch die FFG, FFG-Nr. 894534).
Under the lead of AEE Intec, the possibilities of deep renovations with prefabricated elements are analyzed and implemented on the basis of three sample projects.
IIBW/e7 (2023):
(Wien, im Auftrag des BMK, Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie)
Thermally activated building structures (TABS) operated with heat pumps is becoming widely used in building construction. Among many other advantages, the inertia of this heating system can be used to stabilize electric power grids. This study examines options for the energy industry.
IIBW/e7/Herry (2023-2024):
Studie in Kooperation mit "e7 energy innovation & engineering" und HERRY Consult GmbH (Wien: im Auftrag des Klima- und Energiefonds, Ausschreibung "Zero Emission Mobility", 5. Call).
With the amendment to the Condominium Act 2022, a "right to plug" for the e-charging infrastructure in condominium buildings was introduced. The study examines the status of implementation.
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