Research Database
Amann, W. (2013):
(Bratislava: Habitat for Humanity Europe, Middle East and Africa).
Year: 2013
Short description:
The book provides a data oriented overview on housing for most of Central Eastern and Southeastern European and former Soviet countries: CEE: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia; SEE: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina , Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia; CIS: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan; Others: Georgia, Turkey
OEGUT/IIBW/Energieberatungen NÖ, T, ST (2014):
(Wien: ÖGUT, mit Förderung des österreichischen Klima- und Energiefonds).
Year: 2014
Short description:
The study analyses the scheme of energy auditing within the system of social housing construction in Austria. The intensive state involvement in housing is justified with the comprehensive positive externalities, not only in terms of social and economic leverage, but also regarding the implementation of the Austrian climate targets.
Amann, W., Pernsteiner, H., Struber, Ch. (Hrsg) (2014):
(Wien: Manz).
Year: 2014
Short description:
The Austrian system of social housing proves to be one of the most efficient in European comparison. This book is contributed to one of the leading players in the field for many decades: Prof.Dr. Klaus Lugger, long-term CEO of the social landlord „Neuen Heimat Tirol“, chairman of the auditing association of Limited-Profit-Housing Associations in Austria, Austrian Representative to CECODHAS - HOUSING EUROPE. The Antology contains articles from some of the most distinguished housing experts in Austria and contributions from international top experts in housing, such as: Eva Bauer, Sven Bienert, Dietmar Eberle, Walter Hüttler, Rudy de Jong, Stefan Kofner, Corné Koppelaar, Julie Lawson, Alexis Mundt, Nico Nieboer, Claire Roumet, Kathleen Scanlon, Josef Schmidinger, Andreas Sommer, Christian Struber, Sasha Tsenkova, Karin Wagner, Michael Weingärtler, Robert Wieser.
Mundt, A., Amann, W. (2015):
(Wien: IIBW, im Auftrag des bmask – Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz).
Year: 2015
Short description:
The study provides a deep analysis on different schemes of housing benefits in Austria.
Amann, W. (2015):
(Bratislava: Habitat for Humanity Europe, Middle East and Africa).
Year: 2015
Short description:
Since the 1970s, "Habitat for Humanity" has realized housing solutions for around 800,000 families worldwide. For the Housing Review 2015, IIBW has contributed with a comprehensive statistical analysis on 15 countries in the CEE, SEE and CIS regions.
Amann, W., Lugger, K. (2016):
(Innsbruck, Wien, Bozen: Studienverlag).
Year: 2016
Short description:
This handbook contains extensive statistics on housing and housing policy in Austria. It is published since 1995 in the 8th edition.
IIBW (Lead), Hasberger_Seitz & Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Gemeinnützige Bau- u. Wohnungsgenossenschaft "Wien-Süd" eGenmbH, EVN AG (2016):
(Programm: Energie der Zukunft; Programmlinie: Stadt der Zukunft, 1. Ausschreibung; Projekt 845187).
Year: 2016
Short description:
Feasible business models to locally utilize locally generated renewable energy are expected to induce a tipping point for the Energy Turnaround in Austria. If it is possible to develop models to sell on-site generated electricity directly to tenants, lessees and shared owners, such models would be a viable business not dependant on subsidized feed-in tariffs. Former projects (such as Reininghausgründe, Aspern, Kapfenberg) were not yet able to achieve this. Within the project a number of demonstration PV plants on residential and non-residential buildings will be realized. On this basis new approaches of business cases are developed, implemented, tested and finally disseminated.
IIBW (2018):
Year: 2018
Short description:
The study targeted at the statistical assessment of housing vacancy in the Austrian province of Vorarlberg. One challenge was the identification of that part of vacancy, which could be activated with according policy action. In a second part of the study, motivation of owners, who would not rent out their vacant dwellings, was assessed.
IIBW (2018):
(Wien: IIBW, im Auftrag des Fachverbandes Steine-Keramik und der GBV Landesgruppe Tirol).
Year: 2018
Short description:
This booklet gives an overview of housing subsidies in Austria.
Siedlungsgenossenschaft Neunkirchen / IIBW (2018):
(Wien/Neunkirchen: IIBW, mit Förderung des Landes Niederösterreich, F 2245).
Year: 2018
Short description:
Austria and some central and northern European countries make good experience with participatory approaches in housing, with co-housing of elderly people and collaborative housing. This project targetted in learning from those bottom-up initiatives and to apply lessons learnt in the large sector of affordable housing (Limited-Profit Housing).